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Tax Services

PBM ltd is a full service provider of tax services and offers consultancies to clients as Corporate, Limited Liability Companies and Not for Profit organizations operating in Albania.


The tax services we offer include:


  • Value added tax (VAT)
  • Corporate income tax
  • Personal income tax
  • Social Security tax
  • Double treaty taxation
  • Withholding tax
  • Custom duties
  • Tax Due Diligence


Our tax professionals bring specialized knowledge and value to your specific industry or technical area. This knowledge provides the depth required to handle complex tax consulting and compliance issues.

In addition, we have experience in providing assistance and advice in negotiations with taxing authorities.


Bulevardi "Deshmoret e Kombit"

Twin Towers, Tower 2, 7/4

Tirana, Albania

2 Tel: +355-4-2280125
3 Fax: +355-4-2280126
4 info@pbm.al
